Allah The Almighty

Allah The Almighty....
For every sins He replace with gift
For every broken He send a hope
For every darkness He show the light

Dalam kerendahan diri di bawah Agung-Nya
Ketika gamang memasuki jam malam
Saat sunyi merayap di belantara sepi
Itulah kesepian yang diusirnya dalam doa

Ketika langkah melemah
Saat pegangan mulai goyah
Lalu semesta berseru "Allah"

Tiga puluh
Jalan dibentangkan
Jejak-jejak diperlihatkan
Sendiri tapi tak perlu merasa sepi
Bahwa ada bisik-Nya di antara malam dan pagi

Allah The Almighty
For every person replaced by lesson
For every reason replaced by vision
This is the life of perception
Roll the expectation
Play the limitation
And let your freedom blossom

Remember Him and He will remember you...
Love Him, He will love you more
Hang on Him, He will show yours
